Just wondering. I heard he was very ill.
What does he expect next for the organisation doctrinally? Does he still comment on such things anymore?
just wondering.
i heard he was very ill. .
what does he expect next for the organisation doctrinally?
Just wondering. I heard he was very ill.
What does he expect next for the organisation doctrinally? Does he still comment on such things anymore?
hello guys!!.
i had the privilege of going to the special assembly day last saturday.
we had a bethel member giving the main speech.
The most clear, obvious sign that you are in a mind-control, brain-washing CULT is being told NOT TO THINK FOR YOURSELVES!!
some scans have been made regarding blood and birthdays in the new book that was released at this year s conventions.
as could be seen from the index of the book, there is an appendix on the topic of disfellowshipping.
this as a topic that definitely concerns quite a few of this board.
Can anyone please scan this for us?
some may have seen this tid-bit being passed around in certain jw email circles.
a "deeply concerned" jw relative (who knows i have soured on the whole jw thing) emailed this to me in hopes that it would improve my attitude.
at first i was just going to thank them for their concern and for the "encourgaging" email, but then i decided i must respond to this.
Good points Jeremy C!
this magazine was disturbing to me at the time, but i lost track of it and only recently found it .
this is exactly as it was printed, no photo shop, i am not that clever.. it is credited to a newsagency, jan banning , panos pictures - so i do believe that she was a real child prostitute .
there is something that gets to me even now about this picture.
I don't see what your problem is with this. The fact it is a real photo makes it all the more hard-hitting. The look on that poor girls face and eyes says it all. How is she being exploited by the WTS..they didn't take the photo!? Some apostates will moan about anything.
but you will have to appease me.. .
1. to bring peace, quiet, or calm to; soothe.2.
to satisfy or relieve: appease one's thirst.3.
I don't get it.
monday, may 19, 2008. lastest news!
no more circuit overseers.
well the decision has been made.
Sceptical on this one. It's totally counter-intuitive to more centralised control. Will believe it if and when an official announcement is made.
click on the picture to make it larger and you can see clearly their index fingers, yah got to love the mormons.. the freemasons handshake is a part of freemasonrys rituals, and thereafter, a way for fellow freemasons to acknowledge one anothers status in the order.. http://www.fdrs.org/freemasons_handshake.html .
picture double click over and over and you zoom up.. http://www.kutv.com/content/news/topnews/story.aspx?content_id=98000f6f-1b85-4499-95f8-cc5350d7f62f.
Holy shit, well spotted dude.
as a jw we were always told worldly people were bad always out for what they could get out of you.
as for me iv'e made some good friends not anything as bad as the jw's said they woul'd be.
what about you ?????????
No, actually I havn't noticed any difference really. There are the same good and bad people inside and out the org, the same arrogant assholes in and out, the same kind, humble people in and out. Hardly any difference really. But worldly people tend to not trust you quite as much I guess...there's a certain distance they keep a bit, but that is often worse in the congregation if you're on the margins a bit. And Worldlings do tend to have looser morals and like to drink more and cuss a bit more. But they are much, much less judgmental.